Figures and Abstracts

Self Portrait Busy Brain Patient Mouth Kiss Branda Maholtz

Busy Brain but Patient Mouth Waiting for a Kiss, 2023

Oil on Canvas 48 x 48

Maybe Not Maybe I Should Turn Around Branda Maholtz

Maybe Not Maybe I Should Turn Around, 2023

Oil on Canvas 48 x 48

dream womb painting branda c maholtz

Dream Womb, 2024

Oil on Canvas 36 x 36

Rabbits in the Grass or Whatever You Want to See Branda Maholtz

Rabbits in the Grass or Whatever You Want to See, 2024

Oil on Canvas 36 x 36

You Left the Door Open and I’m on My Way to Wake You Up with My Mouth Branda Maholtz

You Left the Door Open and I’m on My Way to Wake You Up with My Mouth, 2024

Oil on Canvas 36 x 36

just in case branda c maholtz

Just in Case, I’ll Take One More Kiss, 2024

Oil on Canvas 36 x 36

If I’m Not Safe in Your Brain, Keep My Name In Your Mouth Instead, 2024

Oil on Canvas 36 x 36

overnight transformation branda c maholtz

Overnight Transformation, 2024

Oil on Canvas 48 x 48

Fervent Displays of Affection branda c maholtz

Fervent Displays of Affection, 2024

Oil on Canvas 48 x 48

blue aura branda c maholtz

Blue Aura— I Will Find Our the Truth, 2024

Oil on Canvas 48 x 48

in my mind stuck in teeth branda c maholtz

In My Mind I Said I Love You, but the Words Got Stuck in My Teeth, 2024

Oil on Canvas 36 x 36

Woke Up with Your Arm Around Me and Now I’m Holding My Breathe Because I Don’t Know When I’ll Feel This Safe Again Branda Maholtz

Woke Up with Your Arm Around Me and Now I’m Holding My Breath Because I Don’t Know When I’ll Feel This Safe Again, 2024

Oil on Canvas 36 x 36

head in the clouds branda c maholtz

Head in the Clouds and That’s Just Fine, 2024

Oil on Canvas 36 x 36


Vessel Series: All Stones are Broken Stones

